Can SAT scores (and other scores) be improved?

Yes! Our nearly fifty-year record of proven success shows that scores can indeed be improved. In a study of advertising claims by SAT preparation services, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concluded that claims were justified, and that “students could make significant gains on the SAT as a result of participating in a coaching program… Students have a right to know this.” The FTC report was widely publicized in the media and appeared on the front page of the Philadelphia Inquirer. The gains resulted from a number of contributing factors: new insights and knowledge; complete familiarity with the examination, testing procedures and formats; increased confidence; and extensive supervised practice with conscious control of carelessness. The process is similar to preparing for an Olympic Event! ETS (Educational Testing Services), which prepares and administers the examination, now also admits that scores can be improved with preparation. The PSAT is designed to familiarize students with new directions and specific kinds of questions asked. Learn more about the different tests by selecting one of the links above.

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